Please insert ominous background music as you read this! I've decided that the truth about how you turn into your mother has decided to come nest and inhabit my body. For all the extended family who show that they truly love me by reading this, do not get too excited yet. Bargainista's sweet spirit, generous gift giver, remember-er of important details and supportive nature have not nested here... rather some of Bargainista's not-so-famous qualities. This has been driven home in the past few days. Illustrated by the following:
- I noticed a sale the other day and it was only knocked down by $10... I thought in my inside voice, "Why don't you mark it down 75% and then call it a real sale!"
- These words floated out of my mouth, "I just have to warn you, my brain does this wierd thing. When children whine, it turns off. When they ask nicely, it works." How many times did I hate that as a kid?
- I was talking to a friend the other day and when I told her my supplements she warned me that I'd want to up my fiber. I thanked (eek!) her for the advice and read my cereal box labels for fiber content. That's basically potty talk!
- I rolled up my plastic bags like my mother does. This was something that one auntie taught the others at their annual Get Together. When my sister or cousins and I get together, we like to go to new markets, explore, sight see and more active things. My aunties share about rolling plastic bags! (and I did it!!!!)
- I called a friend today outside a natural health store to see if she wanted me to pick her up some multi-vitamins. This says something about my life that I was not asking her about something cool like purses on sale. No, Vitamins!
- I was broke up a cookie into bite sized "I'll just have a smidge of this" pieces and proceeded to eat the whole thing, convincing myself the whole time that I'd stop after this smidge.
Hopefully this means that all the good, wholesome, endearing and sweet qualities will follow. Don't hold your breath... I think my sister got all of those ones.
I must admit that I've never caught onto the whole rolling the plastic bag thing. I do fold mine, but the rolling thing drives me nuts. (Sorry to my mom, aunties, and cousins that do this.)
It's amazing how we become more and more like our moms as we get older. I think we'll be pretty lucky if we turn out like our moms. Who knows, maybe someday we'll be going to our own "Camp Rainbow"!!
Didn't know if i wanted to continue reading your blog today when i found out that it was about me. But i continued, and realized how true it was.
You DO have so many amazing character qualities that you didn't get from me. That makes me so proud that you are my daughter and your own person... A young woman who is making a difference in her world.
Love You, Knittinchick!
p.s. Guess we need to tell you about the REALLY fun things that we do at Camp R.
Seriously, Crazymom must be the only person I lknow that does not roll her bags. I even got my M-I=L doing it!
I am not going to camp rainbow, you cannot make me!
Love your mom, love you!
The Geek's comment about Camp R sounded a bit like a temper tantrum. Maybe we'll have to put her in a time-out!
With that sort of attitude, I think that Happy Geek need to enroll her DRA into AA (Dirty Rotten Attitude into attitude Adjustment).
If I go to Rainbow I may need AA a little later, only this one doesn't stand for Attitude adjustment!
If someday we were to do our own Camp Rainbow, we wouldn't make you sew, Geeky. We could knit!!
Ooooh goody! You can all watch me get my fingers twisted into knots in the yarn! I'd rather play hockey. That is not saying much!
Ok, ok... the cousins' Camp Rainbow will have a quiet room for Happy Geek to read her books... no twisted stitches for you!
Thank-you, Happy Geek is still eternally frightened by Rainbow, she's afraid she might come away from it with a burning desire to make a quilted vest!
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