If you happen to be cycling, running, walking or hanging out in the fabulous provincial park by my place, you might want to keep an eye out for me. I'm the one that is probably sprawled on the path with a bike sitting beside me. I guess doing a sharp turn on the only patch of gravel on the pathways is not the most intelligent move ever. The good news is that when you talk to seven year olds, they can identify with you!
- Anyone have a child who needs to learn to ride a bike? I'm available tonight and would be a good teacher that identifies with their children. I'll also give them good advice about not kneeling too much after your massive wipeout!
Ouch!!! Sounds like you went on a flying trip on your bike. Was glad to hear that you are willing to teach any kid who needs to learn to ride, which i would interpret means, you can move and get back on a bike again...or does it mean that you will be standing on the sidelines yelling instructions for them as they wobble along the road?
Wow, totally by accident I discovered how to get into my blog! Now I can leave comments on my fave blog....
Makes me 'member my trombone getting caught in the spokes of my bike tire and swiftly flying over.
It was a classic especially with the cool high school boys watching=).
I have two crazies you could teach to bike ride!! Once you're done, could you please teach them to drive? (Yes, by the time they figure this whole bike thing out, they may be teenagers!)
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