So... if you want to insert some excitement into a rather normal life, host international students during the summer. Then you will get all sorts of interesting timelines for an 18 hour segment of time such as:
- going to work early so you can go to the airport on Thursday for an early arrival of Student C, pick her up, get her settled and make sure that she's doing ok
- have a farewell dinner of waffles and Maple Syrup (something Canadian at least...) for the Student B who is leaving on Friday morning.
- sleep on the living room floor in a sleeping bag as there is overlap of one night
- help Student A who is leaving for Banff for a three day weekend... help map out the one-way streets for them with their first international driving adventure
- drive up to the airport again (hello to all you parking people I haven't seen for fourteen hours) and drop off Student B
- as you are walking Student B to the group dropoff wonder why you're doing this
BUT... then as you hug the student goodbye, she can't stop thanking you for it... and I realize that my heart has turned over a bit. Yes... that's why I host international students and because they give me some mad money to go visit my sister for Christmas.